Characteristics and quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis in Surabaya
Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Multidimensional, Quality of LifeAbstract
Background: Quality of life is a complex concept that includes an individual's physical, mental, social, and environmental health. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), a degenerative condition affecting kidney function, can greatly influence the quality of life of patients.
Objective: To characterize the quality of life among CKD patients receiving hemodialysis in Surabaya.
Methods: The study sample consisted of 96 participants meeting the inclusion criteria in Surabaya. This research employed a descriptive observational approach utilizing a multistage random sampling method. Public health centers were selected using a cluster sampling technique, and respondents were sampled through a simple random sampling method. The quality of life questionnaire from WHOQOL-BREF was used as the data collection instrument.
Results: Findings indicate that CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis in Surabaya predominantly fall within the 55-64 age group (31 respondents, 32.3%), with 50 female respondents (52.1%), 52 respondents having completed senior high school (54.2%), and 56 respondents not currently employed (58.7%). The majority of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis reported a good quality of life (62 respondents, 64.6%). However, in the physical domain, 20 respondents (20.8%) experienced a decline in quality of life, reaching the moderate category.
Conclusion: This study concludes that CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis in Surabaya generally exhibit a good quality of life, particularly among individuals aged 55-64, predominantly women, with a senior high school education level, and not currently employed.
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