Hubungan antara penggunaan obat antiretroviral berbasis evafirenz dengan prevalensi gangguan depresi pada penderita HIV di klinik penyakit tropik dan infeksi terpadu RSUP Sanglah
Efavirenz-based ARV, depression prevalence, Beck Depression Inventory-IIAbstract
Background: Efavirenz as the first-line ARV most frequently used worldwide has a neuropsychiatric side effect that is still debated. Early identification of depressive symptoms determines adherence to treatment.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of depressive disorders in a population of HIV patients using efavirenz-based ARVs.
Methods: This study used a cross-sectional observational research design with a consecutive sampling method that was conducted at the Sanglah Hospital's Integrated Tropical Disease and Infectious Disease Clinic during May to June 2019. Measurement of depression used the Beck Depression Inventory-II questionnaire. Data analysis used SPSS version 21 with chi square test.
Result: The sample size was 90 people, the majority were men (58.9%) with a mean age of 36 ± 7.23 years and a long period of suffering from HIV 5 ± 3.82 years. The population of respondents who received efavirenz-based ARVs was 65.6% with a depression prevalence of 37.3%. The results of the chi-square test analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between the use of Efavirenz-based ARVs and the prevalence of depressive disorders (p = 0.86).
Conclusion: More than a third of the sample population had a depressive disorder and was not associated with the use of EFV-based ARVs.
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